It’s easy to neglect what seems like the most basic part of your vehicle, your tires. But in reality they […]
Returning to your vehicle to find that it has been broken into is a real pain and if it’s the […]
worker using iPad to review telematics data for his fleet of trucks
What is telematics? Telematics is a broad, somewhat daunting term that encapsulates the transmission of information through the use of […]
Raven Connected trouble code diagnostic tool
Diagnostic Trouble Codes or DTC’s are used to diagnose vehicle issues. For example, when you see that check engine light […]
Owlcam versus Raven Connected: A review We frequently receive questions regarding the differences between the Owlcam and our product, Raven. […]
dash camera view from the road
Smart phone, smart home… what’s next? Smart dash cameras are the latest device to hit the market this past year. […]
Locking your car in a parking lot for security.
Recently there has been a huge uptick in the use of home security systems such as Nest, Ring, or any […]
Are you following these eight driver safety tips? Whether you are driving alone or with passengers, driving safely should be […]
GPS vehicle tracker point to point
The safety of cars, people in them and their performance has increasingly become a topic of conversation. Many insurance companies […]